What Goes With Us When We Die?

Questioner: What goes with us when we die? Swami Premodaya: What goes with you is in two forms, the first form is that which is the essential—and it sounds redundant but it isn’t: the living life in you. And the second thing that goes with you are the tendencies...

I Had a Wonderful Experience of Liking Everything…

Questioner: I had a lovely thing happen yesterday, I was going along and I felt a general kind of liking for everything, and, it was very, very mild. And everything was just fine, just okay, but not a big deal. All the people who happened to be around, I liked seeing...

How Do I Practice Patience?

Questioner: My question is: How do you master patience when you have a lot of passion? I’m an actor. I have done a lot of work back in New York. I moved here and got a manager, and she’s been helping me find an agency. Sometimes I get frustrated because of my passion....

How Does One Maintain Equanimity When There Is Physical Pain?

Questioner: I’m interested in your thoughts about how one maintains equanimity and one’s realizations and one’s stability, to whatever degree one has in Truth, when the physical body is a factor—when the body is ill or over-agitated and metabolically, energetically,...