I’m Scared to Be Loving in an Unloving World…

Questioner: I think it is really scary to live in a world where you feel very open and loving—and you feel that space come up often and you act on it, or you be it, and then that which you see around you does not always reflect it. And it seems too normal …and I have...

What Is Service?

Questioner: I don’t understand what real service is. What is service? Swami Premodaya: The first thing to understand is: you’re already serving. Whoever you are, however you live, whatever your life is, you’re already in service to something. There’s no way around...

How Can I Be Successful in My Meditation Practice?

Questioner: I feel like I’m constantly failing in my meditation practice. How can I be more successful with my meditation? Swami Premodaya: I would like to be known for this actually—everybody says, “I’m not good at meditation” or so many people say, “It...

I Feel Provoked and Just Want to Live My Spiritual Life

Questioner: I just don’t want to deal with people’s BS, you know? I want to do what I want to do. I want to come to meditation when I want to come to meditation with nobody questioning it. I just want freedom like that. I don’t want to have to fight for things. Swami...

Why Am I Here? Why Am I Alive?

Questioner: Why am I here exactly? Why am I alive? Swami Premodaya: You will absolutely—I guarantee you, no matter what, never know why you are here. No matter what! No matter if you live a thousand more lifetimes and reach the highest spiritual peak and know...