How Can I Attune Myself to God’s Will?

Questioner: How Can I Attune Myself to God’s will?  Swami Premodaya: So anytime you question and wonder, that is a good thing. Because if followed in a sincere and correct way—if your questioning is true and right, if your pondering is a total effort, if your...

Why Is So Much Effort Needed on the Spiritual Path?

Questioner: Why is so much effort needed on the spiritual path? What is the purpose of all these strivings and practices?  Swami Premodaya:  …The Divine will come to you—you won’t get to it—it will come to you. But it will come to you when you’ve done...

What Does It Mean to Be Truly Responsible?

Questioner: What does it mean to be truly responsible? What are we responsible for, exactly? I’ve heard you say many times, “You control nothing, and you’re responsible for everything.” But what does that mean? Swami Premodaya: The statement you are referring to, is I...

Does Everyone Have a Mission in This Life?

Questioner: Does everyone have a mission in this life? Swami Premodaya: Do you have a mission? No question. I guarantee you that you have a mission in this life. I don’t know how to say it other than, “I guarantee it.” I don’t know what good my guarantee does, but...

Is There Really a Divine Plan?

Questioner: Is there really a Divine plan?  Swami Premodaya: There is no chaos going on anywhere, no matter how much it looks like chaos. There is, absolutely, a Divine plan. But it’s not how it sounds. Divine plan is not our idea, your idea, my idea. When we...