What Do You Teach?

Questioner:  What do you teach? Swami Premodaya:  That going to God is more important than everything else—and should be the only item on your priority list. Everything else can wait. Everything else will get taken care of by itself.  Questioner:  What’s your...
What Is Satsang?

What Is Satsang?

Questioner: I read on your website you offer monthly online Satsang for anyone who would like to participate. What is “Satsang” exactly?   Swami Premodaya: Satsang means meeting in Truth. It feels normal to sit in a room and sit in a chair and have a meeting, but it...

How Can I Stop Being So Judgmental?

Questioner: I’m looking for a practice to stop judging so much. I actually know what it feels like. But I haven’t felt it in a while. It feels good! Swami Premodaya: Good!—we’re glad you’re here. If we could stop judging and did nothing else, if that was the practice,...

Are There Soul Mates?

Questioner: Do you think there is such a thing as soul mates? If so how do you know if you have found yours? How do you know if someone is right for you in the long run? Swami Premodaya: So, listen to this answer to the soul mate question—not the way it will sound....

What’s the Difference Between a Teacher and a Guru?

Questioner: What’s the difference between a Teacher and a Guru? Swami Premodaya: The Guru is not an educator—a Guru transforms people if they’re willing. A Guru is a catalyst. A teacher is an information bringer. I’m not sharing information, although...

What Does the Word “Spiritual” Mean to You?

Questioner: Everybody says “spiritual” a lot everywhere, all over the world now. And my question, just to you is: How do you define spirit? Swami Premodaya: “Spirit” is a code word. It’s a code word we use for what we mean by “the Divine, the Unknown, the Mystery” —...