“KARMA COURSE” Student Seminar

“KARMA COURSE” Student Seminar


Sunday, March 23, 2024
11:00am to 12:30pm (US Pacific Time)
In-person and Online on Zoom



You actually do create your reality - it’s true! No one else is responsible other than you. So how are you doing this without even knowing? By (for almost all of us, unwittingly) creating the KARMAS of everyday life… All actions break out into three fundamental processes, and it helps tremendously, to know what they are. Why? Because when you know what they are, you can learn how to control them, change them - and change your karma.

Interactive student seminars are held quarterly. These seminars are an opportunity to share your experience, solidify gains, and speak with like-minded students who have also completed the Karma Course.


⬥ Direct support through Sangha (spiritual community)

⬥ Question and discussion time.

Facilitators: Advanced Disciples of Swami Premodaya, Aden Sletta, and Swami Sky


SIGN UP is required to participate in the Karma Course Seminar, and will remain open until 10:00am the day of the event. 

The Zoom log-in information will be provided to your email.